Cross Country Skiing in Huntsville Muskoka

Cross Country Skiing in Huntsville Muskoka If you are looking for Skiing activities in Muskoka, then look no further than the Huntsville area where you can find a number of cross country ski trails. In fact, Huntsville, Ontario is probably Muskoka’s top winter destination. Huntsville, Ontario is a charming town with a vast array of winter…

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Skiing in Huntsville Muskoka

Skiing in Muskoka If you are looking for Skiing activities in Muskoka, then look no further than the Huntsville area where you can find Muskoka’s only downhill skill hill in Hidden Valley and a number of cross country ski trails as well. Yes, there are other options for downhill skiing such as Blue Mountain Ski,…

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Top Winter Activities in Huntsville Muskoka

Winter Activities in Muskoka If you are looking for top winter activities in Muskoka, then may we recommend heading up to Huntsville, Ontario; Muskoka’s top winter destination. Huntsville, Ontario is a charming town with a vast array of winter activities to take part in including skiing, ice skating, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, dog sledding, and so much…

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Some of the best places to see Fall Colours in Muskoka

Fall Colours in Muskoka Ah, Muskoka! Known for its stunning lakes, rocky landscapes and dense forests, transforms into a vibrant tapestry of fall colours each autumn. As the leaves begin to change, the region transforms into a breathtaking tapestry of red, orange, and gold. Tourist flock from all over Ontario to explore some of the…

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The Top Golf Courses in Huntsville

Golf Courses in Huntsville, Muskoka There are a number of Golf courses in Huntsville, Ontario to choose from and enjoy. Known for its landscapes, golf courses near Huntsville offer beginners and golf enthusiasts stunning natural beauty, solid reputation and proximity to the lovely town of Huntsville where further activities can be enjoyed, such as dining,…

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Golf Courses in Muskoka

Golf Courses in Muskoka Golf courses in Muskoka, Ontario, have earned a stellar reputation as a premier golfing destination in Canada. Known for its breathtaking landscapes and amenities, golf courses in Muskoka offer golf enthusiasts an unparalleled experience. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a casual player, the region’s combination of world-class golf courses and…

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Huntsville Ontario street, restaurants, stores, theatre

Where to Stay in Huntsville Ontario

Where to stay in Huntsville, Muskoka Where to stay in Huntsville Ontario very much depends on many factors. Some of which we will detail below. Tourists visit Huntsville for a number of reasons: to hang out in the charming main street area or the waterfront docks, to take part in the many festivals across the…

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Beaches in Huntsville Ontario

Beaches in Huntsville Ontario

Beaches in Huntsville, Ontario If you are looking for public beaches in Huntsville Ontario or nearby, then there are few options we’d recommend. Visiting Huntsville Ontario in the summer is not all about main street, the waterfront docks or Arrowhead Park. There are several very nice beaches nearby, perfect for both swimming and relaxing.  Take…

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History of Huntsville Ontario

History of Huntsville, Ontario     Original People in Huntsville The original people of this land were the Anishinaabe, or in the English language, Ojibway, also known as Chippewa. Traditionally they were Algonquin speaking people with advanced social, governance, trade and family structures. Because settlement of Huntsville occurred relatively recently in human social history, there…

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Where to stay in Huntsville Ontario

Hotels in Huntsville Ontario

Hotels in Huntsville Ontario Advantages The advantage of staying in a hotel in Huntsville Ontario is a combination of price, amenities and comfort. There are some real nice places to choose in Huntsville. Price is also an advantage. Far less expensive than Resorts and some are even nicer. Also, most hotels in Huntsville are within…

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